We are pleased to announce that Madam Fortuna will be visited (again) by HA!Man from South Africa.
HA!Man is known for his ability to use intuitive musical guidance to free the mind for creative self-expression, all with its healing and spiritual qualities.
The music, both during workshops and performances, takes you on a profound journey through a range of emotions and styles. It energizes your entire being.
Here are the details:
- Time: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM (2 hours)
- Capacity: Maximum 25 participants
- Registration: Send an email to eloi@madamfortuna.be to reserve your place.
- Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM (90 minutes)
- Open to everyone.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the HA!Man and free your creative self. We hope to see you at these inspiring events!
Sergeyselsstraat 20, 2140 Antwerpen