We continue to give young talent a voice, don't you?
You may have seen it pass by? The Antwerp city council decided not to award project subsidies for culture for three years. Culture should be accessible to everyone, but that is not self-evident. Madam Fortuna is working on that! We build bridges between social groups, create opportunities for talent, especially young talent, and share our expertise. Now projects and talents are in danger of falling by the wayside. And we will not let that happen, which is why we are now asking for your support.

We have struggled through difficult times before, you, we and the cultural sector. But of course Madam Fortuna does not give up: we remain committed to it an inclusive society, young talent and an intercultural arts landscape.
Madam Fortuna is an artistic family, a house for theater and music. At Madam Fortuna, artists, participants and volunteers from all walks of life meet each other. Participants step out of the comfort zone of their living environment and meet people who, at first glance, are very different from them. We encourage the courage to enter into dialogue. Our projects feature multiple voices from society, on stage and in the audience.
Help build an intercultural future
Those votes shouldn't be wasted, right? Om jongeren met verschillende achtergronden en culturen zich thuis te laten voelen willen wij ons blijven inzetten. Hen de ruimte en toegang niet meer geven is voor ons geen optie! Door het terugschroeven van de subsidies en de druk die de cultuursector ervaart, zijn wij genoodzaakt om uw hulp in te roepen. Without financial support we cannot provide those who remain at home. You can help with that!
Welcome to the family!
Art is an important driver for change in people and society. Participation and talent development remain important for an inclusive society and connection. With your support we can continue to offer opportunities and you will also become part of our Fortuna family!
You can transfer your gift, large or small, using the donation form below or by bank transfer BE48 5230 8119 3927, in the name of Madam Fortuna vzw and with the reference 'gift 22'.
You will receive a tax certificate from us for donations from 40 euros. If you give 100 euros, you will ultimately only pay 55 euros.
On behalf of our participants, volunteers and the entire Fortuna family: big thanks!