Het Broed: The Great War in living rooms in Borgerhout
'Het Gebroed' brought together large and small stories of 'The Great War'. 3 stories, each with a different perspective on the horrors of war. An old war veteran tries to put memories into words. 4 women wait, wrapped in loneliness, for the return of a prodigal son. A corporal walks hesitantly into a living room with a painful order.
'Het Gebroed' fraternized during the 3 last weekend of September 2014 in Borgerhout. Every weekend 'Het Gebroed' played in a different 'theater street': 3 different show moments (What if I take my problems to the United Nations - War for dummies - We can't go any further, we have to go further) were shown successively at local residents' homes. A living room, an attic, a workshop, a cellar. They served as a backdrop for 1 weekend. For two days, cars in the 'theater street' made way for a bar, a buffet, a performance, a performance. At the same time, a fun way to get to know the different neighborhoods of Borgerhout and its hospitable local residents better.
* What if I take my problem to the United Nations (Jan Hardies)
Benjamin Martien has not returned from the war. On the home front, the family practices staying behind. They commemorate and they drink. Out of necessity or out of habit. They undergo each other and Benjamin's absence in a ritual that evokes more than they had hoped for.
* War for dummies (Lies Ferny)
How do you start the Great War? Is it a matter of honor or retribution? Are you a victim or hero? Strategist or pawn? Traitor or resistance member? These dummies are trying to make something of it.
A little war is always better than nothing.
* We can't move on, we have to move on (Jan Hardies)
A man spends his life searching for a place and a form for his story. He mutters it and shouts it out. He wants to sing about it, wants to get rid of it. He can not get it done. Anyone who experiences a story like his can no longer close their eyes to anything.
- 10 participants
- 24 presentations of 3 small performances
- Spectators: more than 900
- Artistic: directors Lies Ferny and Jan Hardies
- Organizational: residents of the 3 neighborhoods (Moorkensplein, Terloplein and Xaveriuscollege neighborhood)
- Support: Flemish Arts and Heritage project subsidy, city of Antwerp and Borgerhout district